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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Best Choice The Egg Or The Pop Tart?

By Bryon Zirker

In each egg there is approximately 200 mg of cholesterol.
The process of scrambling or frying an egg may push the
cholesterol up to say 244 mg. Kellogg's states that the
Blueberry Pop tarts contains, Yup! I said it, 0 that's ZERO
mg of cholesterol, however the Blueberry Pop tart has a
whopping 39.7 g of Carbohydrates--Ouch! Half of this is
pure sugar WOW!. Which do you think is the best choice
for breakfast. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! the egg
or the Pop Tart?

You see the NHLBI (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute)
says that eating less than 200 mg of cholesterol each day is
best, being that cholesterol is a major factor in heart disease
risk. The higher your blood cholesterol level the higher the risk
of heart disease. Is the egg breakfast the wrong choice?--no,
the egg wins over the Pop Tart.

Why?.....The amount of cholesterol is not the issue, its the form in
which it is. Foods that are processed that are high in sugar content
contribute to inflammation increasing the volume of free radical
byproducts floating in your system. this seems to increase amounts
of blood cholesterol found in its "oxidized" form. In this form the
body can not use it to build new cells and create sex hormones.

Scary to say the least. Oxidized Cholesterol is what builds up on
the artery walls called plaque. All of this is heart disease rick at
work. It sounds odd however, the science dictates that eating a
food that is higher in dietary cholesterol and does not spike your
blood sugar levels therefore creating inflammation, is actually


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