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Monday, March 17, 2008

Avoid AGE With Cooking!

By Bryon Zirker

The process used for cooking is as important as the
food being cooked.

AGE stands for "Advanced Glycation End Products". This
class of toxins have been linked to diabetes, inflammation,
insulin resistance, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular and
kidney disease.

These toxins get absorbed into your body tissues when you
consume animal products cooked at high temperatures. This
includes grilling, broiling, smoking and pasteurizing.

In the Journal of Gerontology, a study about age and diet
was conducted to determine the effects of AGE. 170 men and
women evaluated as healthy in two age groups ages 18 to 45
and ages 60 to 80.

AGE levels where higher in the older group overall. Some of
the younger group however had levels as high as those seen
in diabetic patients. So the higher the level consumption of
foods containing AGE, and other inflammation causing toxins,
higher blood levels were recorded.

How to reduce AGE? Very simply put, keep the heat down. Main-
tain the H2O levels of the food being cooked. Try more foods
in raw form. When the heat is on, slow roast, boil, steam, or
stew foods slowly. Go for raw milk, juices and cheeses and
bypass the effects of pasteurizing.


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