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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Health Nutrition Guide-Your Likely Drinking Wrinkle Fertilizer?

By Bryon Zirker

Most sugar these days has been replaced with an impostor.
This dangerous impostor is Known as high-fructose corn
syrup (HFCS
), it is a synthetic sweetener masquerading as
being natural and healthy, oh reeeaaallly. You see a chemical
reaction discovered in the year 1914 by French chemist Louis
Camille Maillard proves the opposite.

Each that time you consume corn syrup, it acts as a wrinkle
fertilizer, due to "glycation" a process where by sugars like
HFCS will bind to amino acids in the bloodstream and then
become Advanced Glycation End (AGE) in composition.

This dangerous class of toxins is linked to inflammation, insulin
resistance, diabetes, vascular and kidney disease, and Alzheimer's

Hardly natural at all if you ask me, HFCS is chemically created in
a lab. Corn syrup is chemically altered so that it becomes "high-
fructose" corn syrup." This leads to a high rate of AGE production
than actually occurs with plain old sugar. As sure as I am now
writing this, AGE products bind to collagen, that causes it to get
twisted and tangled. It then shows up in skin as age spots, wrinkles,
and everything else that makes skin look old and crunched.

Stay very clear of HFCS. Use an alternative like stevia, erythritol
or coconut sugar.


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