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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just 10 minutes per day to feeling great!

by Bryon Zirker

In today’s fast paced world staying in shape is a challenge.
Now you can enjoy health gains with minimal time invested.
Louisiana State University completed a study that showed
10 minutes of exercise per day improved subject’s cardio
health and fitness. The subjects were overweight or obese.
As little as 72 minutes of exercise per week improved cardio
fitness by 4% over subjects who did no activity at all.

So try to get at least 10 minutes per day to start with. Walk,
jog, bike etc. to start reaping the benefits of feeling better.
Find some kind of physical activity that you enjoy.
Throw away that excuse that you do not have the time.
Just go for it. I will bet you feel great in just two weeks.