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Friday, May 12, 2006

Weight Loss With Protein

By Bryon Zirker

Lose Weight use More Protein

High protein diets work. That is why they are
so popular for getting rid of unwanted fat.

Protein increases your metabolism, builds muscle
and reduces the carbohydrate intake. It also
helps to consume fewer calories.

Studies by researchers at the University Of
Washington and published in American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition showed an increase in dietary
protein from 15 percent to 30 percent(total calories)
reduced overall caloric intake and caused significant
weight loss.

By increasing the intake of protein in the diet, test
subjects felt fuller and consumed less.

You can control your appetite with protein. I have
actually used this type of eating pattern which helped
control my appetite andgave me higher energy levels.

Control of you appetite is half the battle when trying
to drop pounds. Use fish, poultry, and lean beef cuts
for your meat sources and of course the dairy, eggs,
nuts (all kinds) and beans. This will help keep your
appetite down and provide a healthy source of protein.

If you can, use wild fish, grass-fed beef, free-range
chicken, and organic dairy products (its better for you).

Sleep Tips For A Better Nights Sleep

By Bryon Zirker

Sleep Schedule. Set your alarm for the same time
each morning. Try to go to bed at the same time
every night even on the days that you have off.
Keep the same sleep schedule constant.

If you maintain the same sleep schedule it can
will program your cardiac rhythm and help you sleep
when you decide its time.

Do not work, eat or watch TV in you bed.

You should create a quiet cozy dark place out of
your bedroom. It should be reserved for sleep
and sex only. Make it your relaxation temple.

When activities like working eating or watching
TV are done in bed your brain can associate this
with the need to be alert. This can make it hard
for you to get to sleep when you suddenly decide
to do so.

No exercise within 3 hours of bedtime.

If you exercise you increase hormone levels in
your body that cause alertness. Being alert
and trying to sleep do not mix.

Avoid eating food within 3 hours of bedtime.

The digestion process needs time off too. If you
do eat before bed you may pay with indigestion
as your metabolism slows down which could lead to
indigestion and sleeplessness.

Avoid caffeine especially within 4-5 hours of
going to bed.

No caffeine before bedtime. Caffeine takes approx-
imately 3 hours to leave your system. Allow plenty
of time for this drug to exit and no linger when you
are going to sleep.

No alcohol before bedtime.

Alcohol is categorized as a depressant but it can
still cause sleeplessness which inhibits the deep
sleep you need for recovery.

As a nice way to enhance sleep try burning a lavender
or vanilla scented candle for a minute or two before
bedtime. After you stop the flame the scent will linger
long after and promote sound sleep. Studies are linked
to these scents actually promoting deeper relaxation
and deep uninterrupted sleep.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stress Relief-A Cool High Tech Solution

By Bryon Zirker

No more typing stress!

Typing can get very stressful and tiring.
Extended periods of this kind of work can
cause stress and pain. This solution is not
only a stress reliever it is fun and it is

What is it? Voice-recognition software.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking - the best
voice-recognition program commercially
available today by far. Previous versions of
this package were well.... primitive.

Now with product enhancements you can speak
very fast and still get 100% accuracy from
the software, that is as long as you speak
clearly. A clear stress reliever, don't you

If typing has caused injuries, or any other
injuries have resulted in repetitive-stress injuries,
carpal tunnel or you have arthritis or hand/wrist
joint pain, consider the relief this software
product may bring.

If none of the above problems exist consider it anyway
it can be a fun way to limit some stress and it can
improve your productivity.

Green Tea Benefits

By Bryon Zirker

Green Tea boosts brain power

Green Tea is the talk of the town these days and
for good reason. Even some of the big boy drink
makers have gotten onto the Green Tea bandwagon.
Watch out though, stick with the pure unsweetened
versions as some of these Green Tea drinks are
loaded with sugar.

Green Tea falls into a very good catagory. Green
is a very old and healthy beverage. Actually
one of the oldest in the world. A study of 1,000
people in Japan revealed the more Green Tea
they drank the less cognitive impairment was
evident or experienced.

Green Tea not only boosts brain power, it is full
of powerful nutrients that protect against heart
disease and cancer, battle viruses and slow aging.
Green Tea contains EGCG which is a very powerful
antioxidant, significantly more powerful than
Vitamin E, vitamin C, and the ingrediant in red wine,
resveratrol (a healthy component found in red wine).

Green Tea whether enjoyed hot or cold is a better
choice, healthier choice. Enjoy it cold over ice with a
wedge of lime or lemon.