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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Calories to Avoid the most!

By Bryon Zirker

The worst calories you can take in when trying to lose
weight are, get this, liquid calories. They add up quickly
and are usually full of sugars.

Purdue University Researchers ran tests on the appetite
suppression effects of different liquid foods in lean and
fat men and women. The subjects were given as much
they wanted to drink or eat.

This resulted in 15 percent more liquid calories taken in.
If the subjects chose to drink fruit juice as opposed to a
piece of fruit, more calories were consumed overall.

The fruit juice being high in sugar is a contibuting factor
in the over consumption of not only calories but carbohy-
drates also, which leads to weight gain in the average active

Calories from liquids do not fill up like solid food does. Make
your choice of an orange before orange juice. Cut the calories
and cut the carbs and lose the weight.