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Monday, February 11, 2008

Build Bones with Vitiman-B

By Bryon Zirker

The fight against Osteoporosis. Getting enough Folate in
your diet? It is known that folate is beneficial for reducing
homocysteine (amino acid) which contributes to Alzheimer's
and heart disease. Research came out from the Hordaland
Homocysteine Study that shows more health ricks from
homocysteine: making bones thinner in women.

After following some 18000 people over a seven year period
the study showed that subjects who had elevated homocysteine
levels had increased cardiovascular disease also had higher
risks for osteoporosis, depression and cognitive decline.

Folate can be found in our diet easily. Make sure to eat whole
foods which are rich in beans and dark leaf greens. Make sure
if taking a multivitamin that it contains 400 mcg of folic acid.
By doing so you will lower your risk of disease and protect your
brain, heart and bones.