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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Health Nutrition Guide-Your Likely Drinking Wrinkle Fertilizer?

By Bryon Zirker

Most sugar these days has been replaced with an impostor.
This dangerous impostor is Known as high-fructose corn
syrup (HFCS
), it is a synthetic sweetener masquerading as
being natural and healthy, oh reeeaaallly. You see a chemical
reaction discovered in the year 1914 by French chemist Louis
Camille Maillard proves the opposite.

Each that time you consume corn syrup, it acts as a wrinkle
fertilizer, due to "glycation" a process where by sugars like
HFCS will bind to amino acids in the bloodstream and then
become Advanced Glycation End (AGE) in composition.

This dangerous class of toxins is linked to inflammation, insulin
resistance, diabetes, vascular and kidney disease, and Alzheimer's

Hardly natural at all if you ask me, HFCS is chemically created in
a lab. Corn syrup is chemically altered so that it becomes "high-
fructose" corn syrup." This leads to a high rate of AGE production
than actually occurs with plain old sugar. As sure as I am now
writing this, AGE products bind to collagen, that causes it to get
twisted and tangled. It then shows up in skin as age spots, wrinkles,
and everything else that makes skin look old and crunched.

Stay very clear of HFCS. Use an alternative like stevia, erythritol
or coconut sugar.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

A Safer Sweetener-That Is Really Awesome

By Bryon Zirker

When working on the behavior of guarding your health
among many things sugar and artificial sweeteners are
out. But wait, due to some all-natural sweeteners like
erythritol, stevia, and agave nectar - you can still satisfy
that sweet tooth of yours without sabotaging your health.

So here is another great one to try...Coconut sugar.

Coconut sugar is made from the evaporated sap of the
coconut flower, coconut sugar tastes very much like
brown sugar. Unlike sugar's high 60-65 score on the
glycemic index, coconut sugar ranks well at a nice
low 35. To add more, coconut sugar is much denser in
minerals, such as potassium and magnesium.

Keep this in mind, coconut sugar does, in fact, still
contain "sugars," so the best way to use it is in
combination with erythritol and or stevia. It produces
a nice lite caramel-like flavor that can be added to
your favorite and healthy home-baked goodies.

Note: Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, Splenda,
aspartame...There are so many sweeteners are bad
for you, it's nice to know you can still treat your
sweet tooth with good healthy alternatives.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

10-Minute Walk-You Can Do This

By Bryon Zirker

Exercising gets harder and harder to do with our busy schedules. Here is a quick way to get some cardio into your day with little effort. Take 10 minute brisk walks 3 times per day, one in the morning one around lunch time and one after supper.

10 minutes three time per day adds up to 30 minutes. This will dramatically alter the way you look and feel very quickly, studies show it. Cardio done in increments like this work just as effectively as long duration cardio sessions.

Morning walk...Get up 15 minutes early, throw on your shoes and sweats and out the door you go. 10 minutes later done.

Lunch walk...cut lunch short, get the walking clothes on then walk
the building in or outside for 10 minutes.

Evening walk grab the wife and dog and head out the door and walk
around the block.

There you go, that's it and you will have the 30 minute cardio effect
burning fat for up to 24 hours.

Slash Stroke Risk With Tea

By Bryon Zirker

Tea can reduce your risk of stroke
which is a very good reason to enjoy
it often.

Studies by the Journal of the American Heart Association observed that drinking 3 cups of either black or green tea's reduced stroke risks by almost 21 percent. This is huge. Drinking three cups daily was the consumption factor.

Drinking even more increases the reduction of stroke risk. Research has narrowed this effect to an amino acid called theanine.

Keep in mind that most tea's are high in fluoride, make sure that you select a fluoride free brand of tea such as Body Ecology's Green Tea Extract or just go out and get some theanine at your local supplement store. Try 60-120 mg, which is what was seen in the study group.